Monday, March 30, 2009


I just got cooked in San Nicholas. I was in a grocery store and they actually had BLUE BELL NEOPOLITAN ice cream!!!!

I grabbed it up and when I got to the counter I started talking to a guy from the refinery. When it came my turn I handed the clerk a $20 bill U.S. and kept right on talking. I took my change in florin [the local currency] and stuffed it in my pocket with the receipt.

I got home and looked at the receipt and discovered that I paid $21.75 florin...that's $12.43 U.S.!!!! I am going eat the dang carton after the ice cream is gone. That'll use up a per diem in a hurry.

The only positive that could come out of this is that Paula won't have any room to gripe about Blue Bell at home when it costs $5.79. I can always beat that now.

The 5th thing I learned about Aruba is that you should ALWAYS check expiration dates on frozen foods. The Blue Bell was Feb, 2010. The last time I was here, I bought two frozen dinners that expired in 2008 and some other ice cream that expired in late 2007 because I didn't check the dates.

I ate 'em anyway. The center part of the ice cream was good but the outside 1/2 inch or so was a little gamey.

Live and learn. I'm gonna go have some ice cream...and I'm having all three flavors of the neopolitan.


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